With the same passion as for the wine, Giuseppe Brancatelli also produces 2 specialities: a very smooth Grappa and an extremely tasteful Olive oil .
But if you have special guests, we are convinced that Brancatelli wine will be a perfect gift.
Azienda Agricola Biologica Brancatelli Agriturismo
Loc. Casa Rossa 2, 57025 Riotorto (LI) Italia
Tel: 0039 0565 206 55 – Email: info@brancatelli-toscana.it
Ottimizzazione Indicizzazione by Piramedia.it
Credits by SOCIETA' AGRICOLA BRANCATELLI SRL - P.IVA: 01221070533 - C.F.01221070533 - CIN IT049012B5KIU2GE7C - testi e foto by SOCIETA' AGRICOLA BRANCATELLI SRL